Sell power glasses PAN India

Own your online store

Run your business hassle free

Grow 3x times

How it works

Register As A Seller

All you need is :
  •   • Update GSTIN
  •   • Update Bank Details

List Products

Upload & List the products you want to sell

Receive Orders

Start getting orders from our platform. Pack the product & hand over to pickup executive.

Wait For Return

Wait for return period to expire

Receive Payments

Payments are deposited directly to your bank account following a 4-7 day payment cycle from order delivery.

Clear your doubts and get a go

Why should i sell on Specti?

Specti is the first ever available platform in India where the eyewear stores can get registered and sell all types of prescription lenses.

Who can sell on Specti?

Any company, organization or an individual who deals in spectacles or any type of eyewear product, may it be a manufacturer, whole seller or a retailer can register at Specti and sell products hassle free.

How do i sell on Specti?

Register on to the platform, upload product photos, fill the required details and start selling.

Do i need to courier my products to Specti?

No, our delivery executive will come at your doorstep to collect the product and will deliver it directly to the customer. 

What are the documents required to register as a seller on specti?

You just have to upload your GST certificate and PAN card to start selling

Who decides the price of the product?

Price of the product will be decided by the seller solely. Our internal team will assist the seller with price suggestions after comparing the price with other similar products.

Will i get charged for listing products on Specti?

There are absolutely zero charges for uploading products or registering onto specti.

Who takes care of the product delivery?

Delivery of the product will be taken care by specti team. You just have to keep the product packed within the procurement time mentioned by you.

Welcome To Specti

Want To Become a Seller

Please Fill the Registration Form and →Get a Go



Store Name*[your_store]

Store Phone*

GST Number*

PAN Card*

Aadhar Card*


Confirm Password*

24/7 Supplier Support Available

Specti supplier support is available to solve all your queries and issues before and after you start your online selling business.